Make A U-turn

"Trust in the Lord with all you heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all you ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
Have you taken a long trip and lost service along the way? Siri is suddenly no longer in commission. Instead of asking for directions you just decide to play the guessing game and take the route that you THINK is right. Only to find yourself going 60 miles in the wrong direction.
Whew! That sounds a lot like my life. God tells me to go a certain direction and because at some point I can't hear Him, I try taking my own route. Let me tell you, that destination isn't the right one. There are so times in my life that if I would have just been patient and just followed what He said to do, I would have reached many destinations and surpassed goals and places way before I did. Why? Because I thought my way was going to take me there faster.
If you have been here or are here now, just stop and listen. If you can't hear Him, think about what He has told you in the past and walk towards that. God never forgets what He tells you and always keeps His promise. Most of the time, our promises are delayed because we get in the way. I want to tell you today that God hasn't forgotten what He has promised you and if you are going in the wrong direction just stop and make a U-turn.
Dear Heavenly Father, I love you so much and I thank you for loving me past my mistakes. Even when I try to do everything on my own, you still love me enough to get me back on track. I give my life to you and I give you the wheel. Have your way with my life. I am tired of going the wrong direction and trying to do everything my own way. You have my best interest and you know the perfect plan for my life. Thank you for your unconditional love. In Jesus Name, amen.
Whew! That sounds a lot like my life. God tells me to go a certain direction and because at some point I can't hear Him, I try taking my own route. Let me tell you, that destination isn't the right one. There are so times in my life that if I would have just been patient and just followed what He said to do, I would have reached many destinations and surpassed goals and places way before I did. Why? Because I thought my way was going to take me there faster.
If you have been here or are here now, just stop and listen. If you can't hear Him, think about what He has told you in the past and walk towards that. God never forgets what He tells you and always keeps His promise. Most of the time, our promises are delayed because we get in the way. I want to tell you today that God hasn't forgotten what He has promised you and if you are going in the wrong direction just stop and make a U-turn.
Dear Heavenly Father, I love you so much and I thank you for loving me past my mistakes. Even when I try to do everything on my own, you still love me enough to get me back on track. I give my life to you and I give you the wheel. Have your way with my life. I am tired of going the wrong direction and trying to do everything my own way. You have my best interest and you know the perfect plan for my life. Thank you for your unconditional love. In Jesus Name, amen.
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