Make Room

"My gifts will continue to make room for me as I make room for Him."
Let that statement sink in a little bit. How often do we let our gifts, talents, and callings take up so much room in our lives. Always trying to achieve better or more and doing bigger than before. We start operating on our own instead of letting God use them for a greater purpose than we could ever imagine. We are left with zero room for Him to even operate in our lives. If we realize He is the one that will make room for greater, bigger, unfathomable dreams. I encourage you to take time to rid of all distractions or things that is taking up room in your life. It is time to make lots of room for Jesus to work!
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for being faithful and never giving up on me even when I try to do everything on my own. God, I ask that you remove any distractions and anything taking up room in my life. I want you to reside and fill me with your love, your grace, your will, your plans. Thank you for always having my best interest. I love you so much. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for being faithful and never giving up on me even when I try to do everything on my own. God, I ask that you remove any distractions and anything taking up room in my life. I want you to reside and fill me with your love, your grace, your will, your plans. Thank you for always having my best interest. I love you so much. Amen.
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